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History 1301 Chapter 13, Part I 18

History 1301 Chapter 13, Part I 18

Q CHAPTER 13 ~ A House Divided, 1840-1861, Part I Directions: Write in complete sentences and submit your document on Blackboard. Be sure you submit the answers on or by the due date. If it is late, it is a zero. This is an individual assignment. 1. Look at the visual of Manifest Destiny on p. 478 (American Progress). What symbols of civilization did John Gast use in his 1872 painting? Why do you think the vertical plane to the right is well-lit while the vertical plane to the left is dark? 2. Name three dangers of the wagon train.3. What two countries jointly owned Oregon?4. What country owned the present-day states of California, New Mexico and California in 1821?5. What were the people who were of Spanish origin called in Texas? (479)

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In American Progress by John Gast, it is seen that the use of light, carriage, and goddess is very common. Various mediums of transport are also shown in the picture which are also claimed to have symbolic value. Well-lit part in the right side is showing that the part is already developed and the goddess is moving towards the west. It implies that the spirit of America is going to influence the western parts.